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更新时间:2022-03-01 点击数:1824


发布来源:http://www.jinhao360.com    更新时间:2021-01-14 点击数:56


Ammonium persulfate is a common chemical raw material in production and life, which is often used in bleaching agent. Today, let's have a more in-depth understanding of ammonium persulfate. What are the physical and chemical properties of ammonium persulfate and what are its specific functions? Let's explore it together.

1、 作为氧化剂,用于检定和测定锰。

1. As an oxidant, it is used for the determination of manganese.

2、 作为漂白剂,常见于蓄电池工业。油脂、肥皂业也被用作漂白剂。

2. As a bleaching agent, it is commonly used in battery industry. Oil and soap are also used as bleaching agents.

3、 作为照片还原剂和阻滞剂,用于摄影照片行业。

3. As photo reducing agent and blocking agent, it is used in photographic industry.

4、 作为电池去极剂,用于蓄电池工业。

4. As battery depolarizer, it is used in battery industry.

5、 作为淀粉胶黏剂的助氧化剂,与淀粉成分中的蛋白质反应提高粘接性,以及可溶性淀粉的制备。食品级用作小麦改质剂、啤酒酵母防霉剂。

5. As a co oxidant of starch adhesive, it can react with protein in starch to improve the adhesion and the preparation of soluble starch. Food grade is used as wheat modifier and beer yeast mould inhibitor.

6、 用作醋酸乙烯、丙烯酸酯等烯类单体乳液聚合的引发剂,价格便宜,所得乳液耐水性较好。还用作脲醛树脂的固化剂,固化速度最快。

6. It is used as initiator for emulsion polymerization of vinyl monomers such as vinyl acetate and acrylic ester. It is also used as curing agent of urea formaldehyde resin, and the curing speed is the fastest.

7、 用作金属铜表面处理剂。

7. It is used as surface treatment agent for copper.

8、 化学工业用作制造过硫酸盐和双氧水的原料,有机高分子聚合时的助聚剂、氯乙烯单体聚合时的引发剂。

8. In chemical industry, it is used as raw material for manufacturing persulfate and hydrogen peroxide, polymerization promoter for organic polymer polymerization and initiator for vinyl chloride monomer polymerization.


The above is ammonium persulfate and its role related content, hope to help you, more ammonium persulfate related information can also continue to pay attention to science high score network, if you have any questions, welcome to leave a message!


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